Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

Moving Brains Foundation (“MBF”, “we” or “us” or “our”), understands your concerns about privacy and how your information is used and safeguarded, and we want to provide you with more information on these topics. This Privacy Policy describes the practices, policies and procedures related to the website located at (the “Website”), including the types of personal information we collect on the Website, how we may use that information, with whom we share it, and the choices you have regarding our collection, use and disclosure of your information. Please note that this Privacy Policy applies only to our online information-gathering and dissemination practices and does not apply to any of our practices conducted offline. By visiting the Website, you are accepting the practices, policies and procedures described herein, and you are further indicating that you agree to be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not visit or use the Website. We may update this Policy from time to time, so please check this Policy periodically for changes. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Personal Identifiable Information

MBF does not require that you provide personally identifiable information in order to use our website.  Personally identifiable information includes your name, address, zip code,  telephone number, e-mail address and any other information which might be used to identify you individually. You will only be required to provide personally identifiable information to us while using the site in the following five situations: (1) making a donation through PayPal Giving Fund, (2) communicating with MBF. 

Use of Personally Identifiable Information

If you decide to support the activities of MBF by making a tax-deductible contribution with a credit card, PayPal Giving Fund will need to collect information that is necessary to complete the transaction. If you contact MBF, we will collect the information necessary to respond to you and also will receive any information you disclose in your message. When you are making a donation, or contacting MBF, we will clearly disclose how we intend to use the information that you provide on the page in which it is collected.  In every case, we will take reasonable precautions to prevent your personal information from being intercepted by any third party using standard web techniques, including encryption and firewalls to protect the data. When MBF receives personally identifiable information as described herein, we may use it for purposes related to MBF.  For example, we may use this information to contact you to provide you with information we believe may be of interest to you. We may also use your information for compiling data and analyses to better understand and serve your needs. 

Personally identifiable information will never be sold or licensed to any third parties unless the user is first notified and expressly consents to such sale or license.  No other party will be provided with a user’s personally identifiable information, other than MBF’s successors and assigns, and its vendors bound by non-disclosure agreements, without the express consent of the user.

Use of Cookies

Like most websites, the MBF's website may store information on your computer in a small file called a "cookie." Cookies are small text files or data placed by your web browser on your computer to store information that allow a website to recognize whether a certain computer or device has been used to visit the site in the past. Cookies enable websites to keep track of online patterns and preferences and make the personalization of web experiences possible. Cookies are used exclusively to improve the user experience by providing continuity in your browsing the site. If you access the site via a public computer, be sure to click "log off" at the end of your session. The site will warn you not to use the "remember me" functionality (enabled by cookies) if you are at a public computer.

Links To Other Sites

As a resource to our visitors, the MBF may provide links to other websites. For those links that MBF posts on its website, we try to carefully choose websites that we believe are useful and meet our high standards for accuracy and relevance. However, because website design and content can change so quickly, we cannot guarantee the standards of every website to which we link. Likewise, we are not responsible for the content of any non-MBF site. We also cannot guarantee the privacy policies of these other sites and suggest you check the privacy policies of those sites directly and contact the operators of those websites directly if you have any questions about their practices. 

Non-MBF Products and Resources

Any reference to a commercial or noncommercial product, process, service, or company on our website is not an endorsement or recommendation by MBF of such product, process, service, or company.

MBF does not endorse or recommend products, services, or manufacturers. MBF assumes no liability whatsoever for the use or contents of any product or service mentioned on its website.

Data Security

MBF takes data security seriously.  Sensitive data, including data that relates to health or other information of individual persons that could be linked to a personal identifier, account or verification of the individual’s identity, collected by MBF is stored behind a firewall and protected using secure encryption technologies.  While no security steps can offer absolute protection, we utilize industry-standard protocols to prevent unauthorized access to the sensitive information that we hold.  We limit access to sensitive data to those MBF personnel with a need to know it. We educate our staff about their duty to protect your privacy.

Communications from MBF

If you wish to stop receiving any e-mail or other communications from MBF or if you have submitted personally identifiable information through a MBF website and would like to have that information deleted, please notify us and it will be done promptly.  Click on the "contact us" link in the navigation bar to contact MBF.

Logo Usage

Use of the MBF’s registered trademarks (logos) without the express written permission of MBF is prohibited. Please send written requests or questions regarding usage of the logo to


MBF reserves the right to make changes to this policy without notice.  Changes to this policy may be made as a result of internal audits of MBF’s information practices as well as to comply with evolving legal and regulatory requirements.  Any changes to this privacy policy will be reflected in changes on this page and will be effective as of the date that the change takes place.  Please check this privacy page periodically to review any changes that may have been made.

Contact Us

If you have specific questions or concerns about MBF's privacy policy, please contact us at the following address:

205 East 111th St.

New York, NY 10029

E-mail inquiries: